Saturday, June 20, 2009

To Tone or Not To Tone by PCA

Most consumers, and even some professionals,believe that a toner is an astringent product whose purpose is to bring the skin back to its normal pH after cleansing. This is only true if you use an alkaline wash or soap. While it may seem like these toners are a necessity, the use of a quality cleanser that is properly pH balanced may eliminate the need, unless the toner has additional skin health benefits. The vast majority of toners are full of alcohol that is stripping to the skin, and daily use can cause severe dehydration and impaired skin barrier function. These types of toners exacerbate many skin conditions. Beneficial toners are those that are alcohol- free and provide the skin with an infusion of nutritional actives and or sebum reduction. With these types of toner, it is recommended to tone no more than once a day or several times a week. Well formulated toners are liquid corrective products, not simply a pH adjustor for the skin