Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Brow Tips and Trends for 2009

1. Trends - Go for full, natural, classic brows. Grow out your over-tweezed brows to give your face a more youthful look.
2. Trim - Leave it to a professional: trimming them too much at home may lead to uneven brows.
3. Tweeze - Don't do it daily. Too- thin brows age the face. Tweeze only one hair at a time.
4. Tint - Don't tweeze course gray hairs, which leave gaps. Instead use a tinted brow gel to cover them, or have them tinted professional.
5. Powder - Brow shades should complement skin and hair. Whether you prefer darker then your hair color or lighter then your hair color.
6. Pencil - For a fuller look, use brow powder or a brow pencil to shade in brows. Add clear brow gel to hold unruly hairs in place.
7. Make-up - Highlight brow bone for an instant eye opener.
8. Lashes - Complement brows with full, thick long lashes. By day, rely on lash conditioners that help lengthen and thicken eyelashes: Revitalash or Jan Marini Lash( found at THE BROW AND SKIN STUDIO WITH APOTHECARY). At night instantly achieve the look with false eyelashes.

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